Stay excited while achieving ambitious goals
Say goodbye to procrastination, guilt, and frustration. Accomplish difficult things — and enjoy the process.
Trending Positive is a habit tracker with keyboard shortcuts. As a responsive web app, it's also mobile-friendly!
  • Designed to hack human behavior towards joyful productivity
  • Live in a state of constant success. A reward system with tactile feedback which snowballs your small wins towards larger goals. Based on research from Building a Second Brain, Atomic Habits, With Winning in Mind, The Mundanity of Excellence, Don't Shoot the Dog, years of personal experimentation, and more.
  • Not for everyone. But maybe for you.
  • Trending Positive helped me 5x my average lines of code shipped per month (and hit a new weight goal). It's a highly opinionated system that works insanely well for me. And maybe for you.
  • The cost of 1 coffee for the productivity boost of 10 espressos
  • Seven day free trial, no credit card required. See if Trending Positive is magic for you. Then it's a fancy New York coffee every month ($7) with a 50% discount for annual subscriptions ($3.50). Popular alternatives charge 28% more.
Built with love by Moving the Limit.
Your data is private, safe, and will never be sold.
Offworld Shipping LLC